
BTR Lands On Planet Marvin!

Attention all humanoids! We're detecting a foreign presence on the set of Marvin Marvin. Hmm, we're sensing it's a musical presence. And we're getting a very high reading in the funny department. Okay okay, we know who this is. It's the boys of Big Time Rush! As you must already know, this Saturday night the BTR boys are guest-starring on a special hour-long episode of Marvin Marvin, "Big Time Marvin." And you know what that means... we're in for a lot (and we mean a LOT) of dancing!

But even though we know what to expect from Marvin, how does Lucas Cruikshank feel about working with the group? Well, he told Teen Vogue all about the experience. "They were super fun and super professional," he dished. "It was really funny because... it's always been so normal going to work, but on the days that Big Time Rush was there, it was crazy! There were so many girls waiting outside the gate, trying to see them. I don't even know how they knew they were there."

We don't blame the mobs of fans for swarming the set. That's what Rushers do! Big Time Rush makes such great tunes, they're basically irresistible. In fact, even Lucas can't get enough. Check out this vid of Lucas dishing on his fave BTR jam, ever.

Are you ready for "Big Time Marvin," this Saturday? Then don't forget to tune in for the rockin' hour-long special at 8/7c! It's gonna be out-of-this-world, we guarantee it.