
What's the Awesomest?!

Daniella Monet is an expert in all things awesome. How do we know? Well, she is the host of the new show, AwesomenessTV. That pretty much gives her all the creds she needs. And since this gal is such a coolness guru, we decided to ask her what she thinks is the ultimate awesomest in a little game of this or that! Check out this list of Daniella's awesome faves, below.

Nick: "Mountains or beaches?"

Daniella: "Beaches."

Nick: "Chocolate or vanilla?"

Daniella: "Chocolate."

Nick: "Morning or night?"

Daniella: "Morning."

Nick: "Cats or dogs?"

Daniella: "Oh dogs!!"

Nick: "Dancing or singing?"

Daniella: "Dancing."

Nick: "Dressing up or dressing down?"

Daniella: "Dressing down."

Nick: "East Coast or West Coast?"

Daniella: "West Coast."

Nick: "Movies or music?"

Daniella: "Music."

Nick: "Talking or texting?"

Daniella: "Talking... Can you believe that I might be the only person, and I had to think about it!"

Nick: "Sledding or water skiing?"

Daniella: "Water skiing, probably."

After hearing all the stuff that Daniella thinks rules, we're having a tough time deciding what's cooler, Daniella's acting chops or her dazzling personality?! We'd better call this one a tie. :)