
Taylor Gray is a Big Time Rush Fan!

<p>We'd like to welcome our newest member to the BTR fan club. He's smart, funny, and he sure knows how to shred up the seas on a surf board! His name is <a href='' target='new'>Taylor Gray</a>, and according to his recent Q and A with fans in the tweet trees, he's a bit of a 'Rusher'. Check out what Taylor revealed to fans about befriending Big Time Rush, his fave music, and more in the recap below!</p> <p> <img src="/nick-assets/shows/images/star411/blogs/images/taylor-gray-judge-judy.jpg" border=0 alt="taylor gray"><br clear="all"> </p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "how many pairs of shoes do you own?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "Too many!"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "WILL YOU MARRY ME?!?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "Why not!"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "what's the best advice you've ever received?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "Choose what you want and go for it!"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "can u speak Spanish?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "Un pocquito (if that's even spelled right)"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "if you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "James Dean would be a cool one"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "what's you favorite cereal ?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "does oatmeal count??"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "what kind of music do you like listening to?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "anything with a good beat!! That's the toughest question for me haha"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "favorite Nickelodeon show ever?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "DRAKE AND JOSH!! So good!"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "can u surf?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "yess!"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "Would you ever get a tattoo?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "yess I would!"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "do you have any new year resolutions?:)"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "I have a ton! Wanna keep fighting to do what I love to do!"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "Do you like Kendall James Carlos and Logan from Big Time Rush? (;"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "they're awesome! Very cool guys"</p> <p> <b>Q:</b> "Have you ever thought of a career in music? Or making a video of you singing one day?"<br/> <b>Taylor:</b> "workin on it right now actually!"</p> <p>We're psyched to hear Taylor's thinking about tapping into the music biz. And if he ever needs any advice, he's got four pals who know a thing or two about making it Big Time!</p>

We'd like to welcome our newest member to the BTR fan club. He's smart, funny, and he sure knows how to shred up the seas on a surf board! His name is Taylor Gray, and according to his recent Q and A with fans in the tweet trees, he's a bit of a 'Rusher'. Check out what Taylor revealed to fans about befriending Big Time Rush, his fave music, and more in the recap below!

taylor gray

Q: "how many pairs of shoes do you own?"

Taylor: "Too many!"


Taylor: "Why not!"

Q: "what's the best advice you've ever received?"

Taylor: "Choose what you want and go for it!"

Q: "can u speak Spanish?"

Taylor: "Un pocquito (if that's even spelled right)"

Q: "if you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?"

Taylor: "James Dean would be a cool one"

Q: "what's you favorite cereal ?"

Taylor: "does oatmeal count??"

Q: "what kind of music do you like listening to?"

Taylor: "anything with a good beat!! That's the toughest question for me haha"

Q: "favorite Nickelodeon show ever?"

Taylor: "DRAKE AND JOSH!! So good!"

Q: "can u surf?"

Taylor: "yess!"

Q: "Would you ever get a tattoo?"

Taylor: "yess I would!"

Q: "do you have any new year resolutions?:)"

Taylor: "I have a ton! Wanna keep fighting to do what I love to do!"

Q: "Do you like Kendall James Carlos and Logan from Big Time Rush? (;"

Taylor: "they're awesome! Very cool guys"

Q: "Have you ever thought of a career in music? Or making a video of you singing one day?"

Taylor: "workin on it right now actually!"

We're psyched to hear Taylor's thinking about tapping into the music biz. And if he ever needs any advice, he's got four pals who know a thing or two about making it Big Time!