
Sk8er Gracie!

Ninjas are known for their swift speed and zen-like balance, so what happens when you put one on wheels? We just might find out, because Gracie Dzienny wants to be a sk8r girl! How do we know? Well, she chirped, "I really just wanna be a super cool long boarding girl."

But what will she need to succeed? She's got it all planned out! "Soooo....How can I get: 1. A cute, pink longboard," she began.

Scoring a cute colored board is pretty easy. But what else will she need? "2. Coordination," she continued. Hm, all that practice she gets from ninja kicking and flipping will definitely come in handy...

"3. A teacher (preferably Nick Jonas)," she listed. And finally, "4. Super cute long boarding outfit," she said. So, if you ever catch a stylish ninja on a hot pink board flying down the street, you'll know exactly who it is. But do you think one of the JoBros has the time in their busy schedule to give her a lesson? We'll have our people call his people...