
Why The Funny Face?

There's something about weirdo facial expressions that just make us want to LOL. Especially when they're coming from funny guy, Lucas Cruikshank. This guy was a born comedian! Anyway, we caught him making this wacky scowl and it made us wonder, Why the Funny Face?

Was Lucas scared off by a team of ghosts after leaving the set of Marvin Marvin late one night? Eek! Spooky...

Or maybe he's got a million hours of homework to do! Ouch. That would definitely give us a face of horror.

Or maybe he was riding on a really high roller coaster and is super duper afraid of heights. Don't look down, Lucas!

Okay, okay, so none of these things really happened. Lucas is making this funky expression because he came face to face with... BTR! When James, Carlos, Kendall and Logan crash-landed on set of "Big Time Marvin," they put on one seriously rockin' concert. And when the guys hit the stage, Lucas could barely hold back his tears of excitement! Yup. That's a face of a true Rusher right there.