
KCA Category Swap

Miranda Cosgrove as a professional NFL linebacker? Hey, it could our imaginations, at least. We heart all of our KCA nominees just the way they are, but sometimes we wonder, what it would be like if they were nominated for a category out of the norm?! Even if it's just for fun, playing KCA Category Swap can be pretty entertaining.

Take Miranda for instance. Instead of going up against the other awesome actresses in the Favorite TV Actress category, what if she was nominated for Favorite Female Athlete? Would she be able to stand proud among the likes of Serena and Venus? What sport would she nominated for? Baseball? Basketball? Snorkeling? Random dancing?

Actually, we think she'd score an athletic nod for tandem biking!! It's one of Miranda's real-life hobbies. And from the sound of it, she's pretty good. Throw her bestie, Jennette McCurdy, on the back of the bike and viola! You've got a pair of blimp-worthy KCA contenders.

Okay, okay. Let's get back to reality for a second. Although it would be fun to see her in every KCA category, Miranda is truthfully nominated for Favorite TV Actress. And our current list of Favorite Female Athletes is also stacked with talent! So get out there and vote for the true 2013 nominees. And hey, you never know what next year's nom list may bring. A tandem bike would fit on the KCA stage, right?