
Fave Episodes From the iCarly Cast

For years, iCarly has been making us laugh so hard that our tummies hurt. From Sam's handy butter sock to Spencer's wacky inventions, we can always count on this Seattle-based crew for a good giggle. But with so many silly story-lines to choose from, how could we ever decide on a favorite? Well, good thing we don't have to. The cast is deciding for us! Check out what Jerry, Nathan, Miranda and Jennette listed as their all time favorite iCarly episodes!

Nathan Kress didn't have an easy time picking just one. "It's so hard to pick. It's like trying to pick your favorite child." LOL! "But I think one of my favorites is..."iFence"...That was really fun because they brought in a fencing instructor to teach me all the moves and I just got to hit Jerry with a sword all day." Sounds like fun indeed!

And what about Jerry Trainor, you ask? Well, Jerry dished, "I would say my favorite sort of special episode is "iStart A Fan War" with Jack Black 'cause I got to work with Jack Black, which was awesome."

For Miranda Cosgrove, "iSaved Your Life" takes the cake. She explained, "It was the first time that Carly really started to like Freddie and it was just cute because he liked her pretty much the whole series and she finally realized what a great guy he was." Awww!

And Jennette McCurdy made no hesitation choosing "iTwins" as her all time fave. "I really loved it because playing two different characters in the same episode is dandy," she said. "And I really like to play Melanie who is so different from Sam, and it was fun to see both of them together."

So there you have it folks, choosing a top episode can be done! Although in our case, we'd rather just say every episode is our favorite episode.