
How To Throw A KCA Party!

The 2013 Kids' Choice Awards are only TWO DAYS AWAY! That means it's time to start party planning. You are throwing a mega bash to celebrate, right? Good. 'Cause so are we! Now let's get down to the first order of business. Who are you gonna invite? Only your biggest besties, that's who. Step 1 to throwing the perfect KCA party is having awesome company there with you!

So what's Step 2? Well, you have been voting right? Right?!! Of course you have. But that doesn't mean it's time to stop campaigning.You can still vote for all your fave celebs up until the moment they hit the Orange Carpet. And plus, you can give your fave noms some extra love via home-made decorations. So, the second step is to deck out your pad with your nominee picks and posters. Vote for the Biebs!

Step 3 takes a little creativity. But it's your chance to show your crafty side! Plus, it'll make your living room look like it's part of the KCA stage. That's right. It's time to slime-ify the room! Now, don't go brewing a concoction of paste and boogers to throw around your house. You'd probably get grounded, and that could get pretty gross. We have an easier way! To make "fake" slime on your walls, just grab some lime green streamers and hang them all around the room, at different lengths. This will make it look like it's raining slime. AWESOME!

Now Step 4 is our favorite step of all. 'Cause that's when you get to watch the LIVE show! Don't forget to tune in to the Kids' Choice Awards this Saturday night, March 23rd. It all kicks off with the Orange Carpet pre-show at 7:30/6:30c on! Are you ready to party or what?