
Guess The Lyrics

We love jamming out to a catchy tune! But sometimes we get stuck on some of the lyrics. Yeah, it was definitely, "why I love you" and not "buy me tofu," like we thought. Oops. Anyway, we've got a game that'll help you learn the lyrics to some of your fave songs, or if you're already an expert, it'll just give you a chance to show us your chops. It's time to play, Guess the Lyrics! Here's what you've gotta do. We give you the lyrics, and you guess the song. It's as simple as that! Ready for the words?? Check it.

Sparks fly / it's like electricity / I might die / when I forget how to breathe

Do these lyrics sound familiar? Take your guess now, because the star that sings this jam is...

Miranda Cosgrove! This seasoned vet has been singing since she was a tiny tot, and this track, called Kissin U, is one of our fave songs to rock out to. Were you able to guess correctly? It's no sweat if you didn't because there's another round of Guess the Lyrics coming your way soon. Stay tuned!