
Why Victoria Hearts Touring

Touring is tough work! And if anybody knows about how hard life can be on the road, it's Victoria Justice. In an interview with 77 Square, Victoria dished, "Touring is exhausting. You're away from family and friends. But at the end of the day it's an amazing opportunity for me." It's true, traveling cross-country on a concert circuit can have its perks (like spending loads of quality time with the beautiful boys of BTR!). But Victoria hearts touring most for two reasons: the fans and the sights!

"I like the idea of being on the bus with everyone, going to different states I've never been able to see," Victoria said. Just looking at her long list of states visited this summer on the Summer Break Tour, Vic isn't kidding! From New York to Cali, Texas to Florida, this gal has been all over the country in just a few short months. And you can bet she had a total blast.

But the reason why Victoria loves hitting the road most is that she gets some quality time with hundreds of her fans, at once! "...When I get up on stage and feel the energy? It's crazy. It's amazing. It's overwhelming," she said. Well, Vic, we're positive we heart watching your shows just as much as you heart giving them. We just can't wait for when you take to the tour bus next!