
Who's The Victorious Karaoke King?

Karaoke is always fun, but when your friends are all pro performers from Victorious, it can be super challenging. With so much talent in the room, which Hollywood Arts student do you think holds the title of Karaoke King or Queen? Turns out, the whole cast agrees on who the winner is...

In an interview with Alloy, Matt Bennett chatted about his birthday karaoke outing. "For my...birthday, I had the whole cast out and we did karaoke, and actually I won so I would say that I'm the karaoke king." So Matt crowns himself the king of karaoke, but what do his cast-mates have to say?

Avan Jogia admitted, "Matt clearly is the funniest karaoker." Leon Thomas was also impressed with Matt's vocal chops, saying, "I think Matt knows a zillion songs, like, I've never met somebody that knows more songs than him." Daniella Monet admitted it's a tough decision, but still ended up agreeing with the boys."It's tricky because we have really great singers," she said. "And then we have really great singers that are just really great at karaoke. Matt Bennett. So, there you go."

All hail the Karaoke King!