Winx Club: Winx Spells

Anytime the Winx need to protect the Magic Dimension or stop the Trix, they always have a super awesome spell up their sleeves. Wanna know how to work these killer charms like a pro? Just study these pics!


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Want to know more about Winx gal's magical spells? Flip through these pics to see how they'd defend against Darcy's Hypnowave!


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Stormy's Dark Lightning spell is dangerous because it's super unpredictable, just like her!


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BRRR! There's a reason they say Icy is the baddest witch in the Magic Dimension. No one can withstand her Blizzard!


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Watch out for Flora's Petal Hurricane! This floral frenzy will leave any opponent stunned.


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Did you hear that? It's Musa's Reverberating Note spell, and it's impossible to block.


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Trust us, you do not want to be on the receiving end of Bloom's Spreading Fire! It'll burn down just about anything in its path.


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Stella's Light Diamond is just what it sounds like: a blindingly bright spell that'll blow anyone away.


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There's no need to worry when Aisha has her Morphix Cushion power ready to help a teammate in need or stop a bad guy in their tracks.


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The ladies are powerful on their own, but when they combine their magic to achieve Sirenix Convergence, evil doesn't stand a chance!


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Musa and her Percussive Hit spell is a match made in fairy heaven. You don't want to mess with this musician!


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With her Genesis Blow, Tecna can get all the information she needs out of any enemy.


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You can't forget about the biggest and strongest spell of all: Bloom's Power of the Dragon Flame! Get caught in its teeth and you're toast!