

Special Skills: Airbending

Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker

First Appearance: “The Boy in the Iceberg”: Episode 1, Season 1

Appa is a sky bison, a massive six-legged herd animal who uses airbending to fly. He’s loving yet powerful, equally capable of licking your face or sending a boar-q-pine fleeing into the forest with a ferocious roar.

In the Air Nomad tradition, Aang and Appa became lifetime companions when the calf bonded to the young monk in their first meeting at the Eastern Air Temple. After that, they were rarely apart. Appa became Team Avatar’s primary mode of transportation as they raced around the world to help Aang master the elements. With five stomachs, he’s got a huge appetite – but he’s so quick that it only takes one blow of a bison-whistle for him to join an adventure!