• Grumpy Old Troll 

    Grumpy Old Troll 

    Meet Grumpy Old Troll, the ultimate grouch!



SPECIAL SKILLS: Grumpy Old Troll is very good at making up tricky riddles!

MOST LIKELY TO: Be very very grouchy!

FIRST APPEARANCE: “The Mystery Gift” (Season 1, Episode 8)

VOICED BY: Danny Burstein

Meet Grumpy Old Troll, the ultimate grouch! This cranky gatekeeper will not let anyone cross his bridge unless they solve his riddles. He loves a good knock-knock joke and a silly song, but the one thing Grumpy Old Troll enjoys most is stumping Dora and her friends. He may be a grump, and his riddles may be tricky, but he’s always fair with his tests!