TY LEE



Special Skills: chi-blocking, hand-to-hand combat, acrobatics

Voiced by: Olivia Hack

First Appearance: “Return to Omashu”: Episode 2, Season 3

Bubbly, energetic, and affectionate, Ty Lee adores all things pretty and cute. But don’t let her perky demeanor fool you! As a master chi-blocker, Ty Lee can strike the body’s pressure points and immobilize benders and non-benders alike, making her a formidable opponent.

Growing up as one of six identical sisters in an upper-class Fire Nation family, Ty Lee longed to stand out. She honed her skills as an acrobat at the Royal Fire Academy, where she befriended Mai and Princess Azula. She defied her noble heritage by running away to join the circus, but when Azula pressured her to help hunt down Zuko, Ty Lee couldn’t refuse.

However, Azula tested Ty Lee’s loyalty one time too many by constantly manipulating her and putting her in harm’s way. Their friendship reached a breaking point when Azula threatened Mai and Ty Lee chi-blocked Azula, saving Mai’s life. She was imprisoned, but as fate would have it, she was locked up with the Kyoshi Warriors, who became her friends and allies. After the war, Ty Lee joined their ranks!