• Mami


    Meet Mami, Dora’s mom and hero!



FAMILY: Papi, Dora, Abuela, Isabela, Guillermo and Diego

OCCUPATION: Archeologist

SPECIAL SKILLS: Mami knows a lot about history and is a real leader!

FIRST APPEARANCE: “Rainbow’s Lost Colors” (Season 1, Episode 4)

VOICED BY: Kathleen Herles

Meet Mami, Dora’s mom and hero! Mami is an archeologist who is passionate about everything from mud to Mesoamerican pyramids. Mami grew up exploring giant history books and hiking around, so naturally, she loves doing the same with her family! Dora loves going to visit Mami at work. When they discover something awesome, Mami loves to gather her team and family to celebrate. Mami is a leader, loves her job and always thanks everyone involved on the dig – much like Dora!