Legend of Korra: Tips From Tenzin

Do you dream of air-bending? Or maybe even being the next Avatar?! With these tips from the airbending master himself, you'll be on your way to bending in no time!

Free Your Fears

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"The important thing is to talk about our fears. Because if we don't, they can throw us out of balance."

Twist and Resist

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"When you meet resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moment's notice."

Love Conquers All

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"Being the Avatar isn't all about fighting."

Worry Not

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"Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them."

Don't Wait to Meditate

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"Let your mind and your spirit be free."


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"In order to learn air-bending, you require a calm, quiet environment, free from any distractions."

Always Remember

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"Air is the element of freedom."

Be Like the Leaf

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"Airbending is all about spiral movements."

Keep the Peace

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"Prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into all-out war!"

Most Importantly...

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If you're arguing with Tenzin, don't bring his mom into it!